

Research for Innovation

Reggio Emilia’s exhibitions are borne from a strong obligation to continually present the ongoing work of children, educators, and families within the schools. These displays of educational research and innovation use “exhibitions” as shorthand. The large scale and multimedia strategies used to communicate also make these displays generative for visiting educators and advocates. Since 1987 when the first such exhibition traveled to San Francisco, educators have studied, questioned, borrowed, and debated the content of each exhibition as it travels from community to community in the US and Canada. Access by groups of educators to experience the same material at the same time is a unique professional development exercise.

Exhibitions are part of a cultural, economic, social, and political tradition of giving visibility to work in progress. Whether referencing the renewal of a new area in the city or sharing the processes taking place inside the infant-toddler centers and preschools, exhibitions enable all to comprehend and form opinions. Visitors to Italy can attest to the ubiquitous presence of narrative descriptions, information, and images in cities as they continually grow, renovate, restore, and innovate.


If Interested in Hosting, Please Contact NAREA


Mosaic of Marks, Words, Material

Exhibition and Atelier


Exhibition and Atelier

The Wonder of Learning – The Hundred Languages of Children


The Hundred Languages of Children – Narrative of the Possible


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Together, we are empowering exceptional education.